With over 25-years of professional experiences, there are projects in engineering, planning, team management, finance, commercial relations, land, water and legal issues, and many, many others. I've included a few of my most recent endeavors.
There are more to share, both professional and personal. Let me know if there's a need for specific expertise or approach. I'd be happy to chat in reponse to a call or email. I'm available - see my contact page.
Latest Projects

Grant Writing and Contracts - June - December 2016 UPDATE
After winning the grant for Frontline Missions, entered into a re-write of the contract with the City. Finally have access to the funds!
Successfully composed a Community Development Block Grant on behalf of Frontline Mission, Inc., a local soup kitchen and food bank. With limited funds available, the package gained $4,000 for the year to meet the needs of the city's homeless. Entire package built in approximately two weeks.

Transfer of Asset Marketing - February 2016
It's not often we're asked to work ourselves out of a job, but I mark it as one of my most successful projects. Knowing that my role of corporate marketer would become redundant locally, I began working the smooth transition of the remaining responsibilities to the finance team. I created detailed task guides and plans, introduced key relationships and crosstrained collegues to ensure success. Six months after, not a glitch!

Negotiations with the USGS - January 2016
This is one of getting the right people in the room and working the problem. After nearly two years of no results in a damages matter with USGS ("US Geologic Survey"), I was asked to resolve the issue at the last minute, before an asset sale. Leading a team of two collegues, I met with the the USGS's key personnel and negotiated an outcome that was acceptable to all; one that saved the company an estimated $250k and was executed, paid and concluded in less than three weeks, before the goal of the transaction.
“Having planned and participated with Bob on commercial negotiations with our customer, I have utmost regard for his ability to achieve a fair and favourable outcome.”
Steve Clarke, Finance, BHP Billton
“In the production engineering roles, Bob developed sound innovative designs that incorporated safety and were fit for purpose. He then provided strong scheduling support and was very effective in communicating the plan and schedule with operations. His followup was reliable, consistent and focused.”
George Gilfillan, BHP Billton
“...considerable knowledge, meticulous attention to detail, and conscientious approach to any task required of him, best sum up the kind of person and employee he is. The trait that most clearly distinguishes Bob is his commitment to honestly pursue appropriate answers to difficult problems while respecting the integrity of his team members and the counter-party he is dealing with. He has been a loyal and invaluable asset to the company, and I have no doubt would be an invaluable asset wherever he goes”
Charles Roybal, Manager Coal Legal - BHP Billiton